Friday, November 30, 2012

everything to me, the unrequited dream.

1.) real name: NOPE. TOO PRIVATE.
2.) nickname: DiaBlo, Valley
3.) zodiac sign: Virgo!
4.) male/female: Female
5.) elementary school: Arlington
6.) middle school: Sburg & Ptown
7.) high school: Ptown
8.) natural hair color: brownnn.
9.) tall or short: uh, average? 5'6
10.) sweats or jeans: jeans
11.) 5 best friends: Courtney, Erika, Joey, Nick,
12.) phone or camera: phone with a camera duhh
13.) health freak: nope.
14.) orange or apple: oranges
15.) do you have a crush on someone? pretty much.
16.) eat or drink: drink water.
17.) piercings: 22.
18.) pepsi or coke: pepsi, if i have to choose.

Have you ever?
19.) been in an airplane: never, but 13 days!
20.) been in a relationship: ya
21.) been in a car accident:  yes. totaled my car.
22.) been in a fist fight: nope
23.) first piercing: ears
24.) first best friend: Caroline
25.) first award: uh? iunno.
26.) first crush: Travis
27.) last person you talked to in person: erika
28.) last person you text: cameron
29.) last person you watched a movie with: erika
30.) last food you ate: buffalo chicken pizza
31.) last movie you watched: magic mike for the 10th time.
32.) last song you listened to: slipknot.
33.) last thing you bought: jeans
34.) last person you hugged: i think i ran and jumped on Lee?

35.) favorite food: tie between mac and cheese and liver.
36.) drink: waterrrr, or rum.
37.) bottoms: jeans.
38.) flower: daisies win my heart.
39.) animal: ratties and kitties.
40.) color: true blue!
41.) movies: alice, breakfast at tiffanys, eternal sunshine, beauty and the beast
42.) subject: Writing

Put an "x" in the bracket if yes
43.) [x] fallen in love
44.) [x] celebrated halloween
45.) [x] had your heart broken
46.) [x] went over minutes/texts on your cell phone
47.) [x] had someone like you
48.) [ ] got pregnant
49.) [ ] had an abortion
50.) [x] did something you regret
51.) [x] broke a promise
52.) [x] hid a secret
53.) [x] pretended to be happy
54.) [x] met someone who change your life
55.) [x] pretended to be sick
56.) [ ] left the country
57.) [x] tried something you normally wouldnt do and liked it
58.) [x] cried over the silliest thing
59.) [x] ran a mile
60.) [x] went to the beach with your best friends
61.) [x] got into an agruement with your friend
62.) [x] hated someone
63.) [] stayed single for two years

64.) eating: nada
65.) drinking: peace tea!
66.) listening to: vermillion pt2
67.) sitting or laying: on erika's couch.
68.) plans for today: nada.
69.) waiting: to go to kansas.

Your future:
70.) want kids: atleast 2.
71.) want to get married: yes.
72.) career: trying to make a difference in a teen's life.

73.) Lips or eyes: Eyes
74.) shorter or taller: definitely taller.
75.) romantic or spontaneous: spontaneously romantic
76.) hook-up or relationship: as said by kelly clarkson, "I do not hook up, I fall deep"
77.) interracial or same race: doesn't matter to me.
78.) long distance or near you: near would be preferable, but you can't help who you want to be with.
79.) look or personality: i have to be physically attracted to the person, but they havee to have a decent personality

Have you ever?
80.) lost glasses/ contacts: i still don't know where my glasses are.
81.) snuck out of the house: yesss
82.) held a gun/knife in self defense:  yess.
83.) killed somebody: no.
84.) broken someones heart: yes.
85.) been in love: mm.
86.) cried when someone died: i still cry.

Do you believe in?
87.) yourself: i try to.
88.) miracles: no.
89.) love at first sight: no
90.) santa claus: i wish.
91.) aliens: sure
92.) ghosts/ spirits: yep

93.) is there one person you want to be with right now?: cam.
94.) do you know who your real friends are? i keep finding out who they are everyday.
95.) have you ever been cheated on? yea.

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