Tuesday, November 27, 2012

not myself you see!

i'm sick.
it's probably from this past week where i stayed out til 4am everynight, wore nothing but jeans and long sleeve shirts on below 30 weather, smoked too many cigarettes and shared a few with friends.

i was pretty much ASKING to get sick.
so now i'm coughing too much, sneezing always and sleeping in bed not only with my usual 7 pillows, barney, laptop and cellphone, now i have 2 boxes of tissues.
a bed made for 2 people is easily taken over by just me. no room for anyone else.
so access denied to anyone who would want to join me.
unless your initials are crm, 22 years old and in the army, then you're allowed anyday, any time, always.

but seriously, fuck this being sick shit. it makes it hard to breathe to the point where i take my tongue ring out because its easier, but then it hurts like a bitch to shove that damn barbell back in. if it was a normal 14g i wouldn't be bitching, but the fact i'm between a 4g and 2g, within a few hours of having it out its definitely some work to shove it back in.
whys my tongue on its way to being a 2gauge? because i get bored with my piercings. i have 22 of them, and i'd absolutely love more. last year i got a good 6? in a month. i just keep going back. but its not cheap to get pierced all the time, even though my piercer is an ex and a friend, who gives me discounts, it still adds up. so to keep my occupied from getting new ones, i started gauging my tongue with someones help. with my future plans of teaching i refuse to gauge my ears despite how much i like girls with them.
so my tongue is almost a 2 gauge. which means i can fit things like pens, and straws through it.
not as bad as eds though, hah, we got his tongue to a 00g, and our besttttt party trick was showing people that my pinky finger fit through his tongue hole. we were always good with party tricks, hah.

so yes, sickkkkk and currently with a swollen tongue. i'm going to feel like helll in the morning.
someone come make me tea, rub my back and kiss the side of my forehead while i lay down watching beauty and the beast.
i need my boy. he's too far away. someone fix this.

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