Friday, August 31, 2012

"Now Kitty, Lets Consider Who it was That Dreamed It All"

I hate dreams. People are always talking about this dream they had and how exhilarating it was, mine always cause me to wake up crying or have a damn panic attack.
Last night was nothing new.

It was terrible how vivid everything was, and so detailed.

A friend and I were driving somewhere that seemed familiar, but not enough to know exactly where. little things were detailed, like the red car, and what he was wearing. the strongest detail though, was in my emotions.
the road was turning and he looked back in the other direction, like he had seen something...
as I just sat there watching us head straight for this..small building? and behind that building was a sort of ledge, road hangover, cliff?
Hah. it was absolutely terrifying. Because by the time I got my friend's attention, we were seconds away from slamming right into the building and going over the edge.
And in those moments, we knew we were going to die. It was absolutely inevitable, we were already all torn up from impact, and now we were just waiting to slam into the side or bottom of the ledge.
I remember trying to say something to my friend, but because of being so terrified, and just being stunned
I barely got out the words I Love You
                            My friend's last words?
                                           "I'll See You Later."
                                                          with a smirk on his face. [damn kid]

And right after that there was..nothing. just me, awake wondering what happened.
creepy as fuck and even though I was alone all day driving around picking up various items for my new apartment, I was still nervous to drive.
Couldn't get any of it out of my mind.

What kind of words are "I'll See you later"?
I remember feeling comforted at the time though, like it was the perfect thing to say given the circumstances. I remember myself thinking in my dream "this kid really loves you". just by the words he said. he made me come to terms with dying, all because of what he said. aye.
I sat awake for a while wondering, comparing our chosen last words.
I Love You vs. I'll See You Later

and because I'm always analyzing my dreams, I'm still left thinking about it.
His chosen words gave almost a positive feeling, versus mine, who made it known it was ending.
Going to have to let this one go, It's too strange.

I'd like to go back to not dreaming now, I miss not dreaming.

"Alice: You see, Kitty.. He was part of my dream, of course --
but then I was part of his dream, too"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

'The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

There's something about words.
Being a fan of reading and writing, I myself enthralled by words.
Ive heard time and time again, "I was speechless" or "i have nothing to say to you".
How out of all the words in the world can a person not find the words to say something. Now, feelings and emotions don't come with preset guidelines to what words to use; I get that. But there's always a way to try and explain yourself.
I'm getting off track.

A person's word can mean so much to another; cause a sense of comfort, happiness, love, or it can leave a feeling of being vexed, useless, and just broken down.

Being enrolled in a few Lit classes, words are always talked about, analyzed and then over analyzed.
Sometimes people think theres a greater meaning in a poem, script or any other type of art.
Sometimes though people need to just take things for how they are.
Sometimes the meaning is staring a person right in the face, and that person refuses to just take it as it is.
Dumb people.

I recently heard from a professor that some people have actually been taught that curse words, cuss, swearing, foul language, actually destroys the English language.
What the Fuck is That Shit?

Some people are way to arrogant to even be discussed, so I'm skipping that rant.
I'm a fan of these words; they're not destroying anything, except when used towards someone.
I've called my friends, boyfriends, and siblings some random foul names before. Asshole and Bastard seem to be my favorites.
I've also been called almost every name you could ever imagine.
From people who were just joking, and from people who have wished the worst on me.
Which is fine by me, those people, Who I can thank for my low self esteem, can simply fuck off.
But what I cannot tolerate, with everything I am, is a parent who puts their own kid down.

I'm not talking the average "i hate you" fights between child and parent, I'm talking full on telling your child they're a nothing, piece of shit cunt&or Bastard who they want nothing to do with ever again.
Now that ladies and d00ds, are the people I wish the worst, slowest, painfullest death on.
You should never
and I mean ever
call your child a Cunt, or Bastard. Those words, there's just some sort of, baggage? to them.

I've always thought there should be some type of test people must take before they're allowed to have children.
Then again, almost everyone knows how to lie their way through a test to get the result they want.

1. When little Bobby, who is 4 years old, makes a mistake and accidently puts his pb&j sammich in your VCR, How do you react?
      A. Put little Bobby in the corner and then explain to him that he mustn't ever do that again.
      B. Slam little Bobby's head off of the VCR and proceed to beat him with the closest object accessible.
      C. Scream, yell, and tell little Bobby he's a nothing-less, unloved little child who should've never been born.

exactly. you can't tell me you wouldn't be B.

Education class, ontop of Education class I've read that Teachers and Parents are the most influencial in a child's life. We can handle things from peers, siblings, strangers, but not many of us can handle being put in our place by our own parents. We're born with an instinct to want to please our guardians, and make them happy and proud of us. So it seems as if there's nothing worse than a parent telling their child they want nothing to do with them.

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone,
‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Catch That Clock

this post is about dead beats.
and liars.
and heartbreakers.
and people i love.

i just need to copy it from my notebook to here.

just keep waiting. you're not late, i promise.

Testing Some Character!

just seeing how everthing is going to be.

whether its nonsense or not.

i just need to know how everyone feels.